Today’s Topic Recording

Here is the recording (28:16) of David Soliday speaking this morning on the topic of Theology of Widening the Circle of Care. (Link leads to service description.) Also Here is a quick elevator speech for answering the question, “What do Unitarian Universalists believe?” David shared it in the discussion (not recorded) after the presentation. Every … Continue reading Today’s Topic Recording

Feeling Awkward?

…and it was a joyful day because a new minister, Abbey Tennis was officiating for the first time. My family and I are indebted to Abbey for her lesson that day. I wish I had a copy of her sermon. I will do my best to recapture the concept that both Mara and I remember and have shared with others and now with you…

In the Other Shoes

If we’re willing to stand in another person’s shoes, just for a moment, we might understand them a little bit better.


As part of an exercise devised by my daughter Amy called “Thirty Days of Yes” based on the book of my daughter Anna called “Living the Deeper Yes”   I was supposed to witness a sunset, ideally outside with my feet planted on the ground, paying attention and my heart open to this event. I … Continue reading Sunset