Weaving a World of Justice, Peace and Beauty

Please join us for Sunday worship presented by DUUF member Tracy Nelson, Weaving a World of Justice, Peace and Beauty, adapted from one of the worship services at the 2018 UUA General Assembly.

We are all called. The call comes from everywhere; from the past, the present, and the future. We are called by our ancestors, our children, and those who are yet to come to weave our lives together to continue the work of love and justice. We are called to weave a world of justice, peace, and beauty.”

There will be opportunity during the service for people to share stories of those from our past and present who inspire and have taught us lessons of love, justice and peace.

The service will be held at The Historic Campbell Home, 190 W. Winter St., Delaware, on the northeast corner of Elizabeth Street and West Winter Street. There is parking behind the building with handicap accessibility. Join us for a social hour following the service.

Coffee And … provided by Gwen.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
