Please join our worshipers this Sunday for The Winds of Intolerance, a commentary presented by Mary Alice Dillman.
When Intolerable situations arise over the course of American history that are directed toward human beings, changes need to be made or attempted if at all possible. Intolerance of polio, intolerance of McCarthyism, intolerance of slavery presented the American soul with choices either to bring hope or that of fear to human beings. What is the question facing America today? This commentary is based on Jon Meacham’s 2018 book, The Soul of America.
Jonalyn and Christopher Snyder are the featured musicians.
The service will be held at The Historic Campbell Home, 190 W. Winter St., Delaware, on the northeast corner of Elizabeth Street and West Winter Street. There is parking behind the building with handicap accessibility. Join us for a social hour following the service.
Coffee And … provided by Carolyn.
Topics: Social Justice